
Minority cell of the college is established with the purpose of assisting the minority community’s students. College is keen to provide help to the educational need of Minority community along with other caste.

The Minority Cell basically helps minority students including Christian, Muslim, Jain, etc. for their academic development


  • To enhance equal opportunities for education to all including minorities.
  • To handle the issues and short and long-term needs of the minorities and OBC students.
  • To empower and equip them with the necessary skills to choose a career options.

Prof. Durraz R. Tiwale
Mobile :  7350226287


Following are Details of Minority committee (2023-24)

Sr. No. Name Designation Mobile Number
1 Prof. Anant Gharat Co-Ordinator 8806314642
2 Prof. Sonam Gupta Member 8237460942
3 Prof. Amol Sonawale Member 9096995944